Postmortem from Pat

Random Thoughts

I can prototype but I can’t build full games and that’s OK. I should let actual engineers build our games and just ask for the tools I need to iterate. NO MORE PAT CODE!

It’s a super cute game, with great art, nice visuals and some fun albeit stressful gameplay. LOVE THE ART.

It’s also not a very well designed game, systems/gameplay-wise. We should have more control over enemy spawning, powerups,  (this problem goes back to the way I initially implemented it and we just went with it instead of re-designing it.)

I/We need to have a better handle on what kind of game we actually want to be making from the beginning, so we can avoid chaos as much as possible.

Dave is a certified unicorn. It is SO NICE to ask for some random thing and for it to be implemented in less than 24 hours with an extra 10 bonus things I didn’t even ask for.

Lauren does incredible work and is an amazing designer/producer/artist. My imposter syndrome is still running strong and I’m pretty sure Lauren/Dave don’t REALLY need me, but I like being able to help out where I can.

I’m really looking forward to having more time/energy for this stuff soon. This fall/winter should be a good boost for my productivity when kids are in school, Dafnah is working and the garden is dead.

I need to be a better designer docs-wise. I should contribute more to writing and delivering docs in small, digestible chunks.

Very, very excited to get more into Rombo. Rombo is our flagship and is going to be what really attracts a community and potential investors.

I think I might be over Rat Game, but if it starts to get some traction on social media then revisiting might be fun, but I think our time/energy is MUCH better used on Rombo and building out other QUICK games.

I think our portfolio games need to be even smaller in scope and that we shouldn’t spend more than a month or two on side quests unless everyone is really feeling it.

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